About ArtiFishal Thoughts

Welcome to the rollercoaster of socio-techno-political chaos. This is a mish-mash of AI, politics, ways to cut through overwhelm, and occasional existential crises.

Trying to be a sanctuary (built as that for the authors), but all are welcome. We're here to poke the maelstrom with a sharp-ish stick, while trying not to fall in.

On the menu:

  • A chunky serving of AI skepticism (hold the hype and doomerism please)
  • A side of crypto-shenanigans, lightly roasted
  • Politics, served warm-ish and uncomfortably close to home
  • Climate crises, with a garnish of cautious hope
  • A generous slice of "what the heck is going on?" for afters

We're not here to tell you it's too late to change things. That's what corporate lobbyists are for, and frankly, we're fresh out of bread for the PR ducks.

It's not really a tech blog. It's not really a political rant factory. It's trying to make sense of nonsensical stuff, things that wash up, and maybe, just maybe, rediscover some wonder along the way.

It swings from practical, to philosophical, to dark, to light, to gut-felt snark, via anti-magical thinking about "agentic AI." Occasionally useful guides through dots joined some mornings. Pleas to engage some critical thinking and your fellow skeptics about tech-utopianism and solutionism.

If it helps folk avoid mental collapse under the weight of current shenanigans, welcome aboard. Let's navigate the choppy chaotic water.

Remember: Knowledge is power, critical thinking is the wiring. And this site? Well, we're just here to help keep the lights on.

Onwards and upwards on the hope train - next stop, who knows?

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